Released in 2002, “Sleight of Hand” is a combination of the best tunes from two previous Robert Ross cds, “Darkness… To Light” and “Rockin’ The Rails”.
All the tunes on “Sleight of Hand” were remastered by Dennis Ferrante who did all the Elvis reissues and box set and also worked with John Lennon. Dynamic Dennis did an incredible job enhancing the sound of these recordings. You will find that the music sounds warmer and deeper in the low register, and sweeter in the high register. We are very excited. The tunes sound better then I ever thought possible. No wonder Dennis was chosen to work with The King and that lad from Liverpool.
John Narucki wrote the liner notes for “Sleight of Hand” and came up with the phrase “… a musician’s job consists of putting a big heavy black box (called an “amp”) in the back of his car, hauling it halfway across town, and trying to coax magic out of it. And one of the the master wizards of New York is Robert Ross.” This magical little turn of phrase led us directly to the CD title, “Sleight of Hand.” John has always had an uncanny facility with words as well as a deep appreciation for musicians and the music they make. John has been a great pal of mine ever since his days as a deejay with WFMU FM in the late 1970s. He is currently with Power Play TV doing video production. John has not been feeling well lately and our prayers and good wishes go out to him.
“Sleight of Hand” features two powerhouse rhythm sections performing with Robert. The unit of Mark Dann on bass and the late Howie Wyeth on drums appear on 8 cuts while Charlie Torres on bass and George Morales on drums appear on 5 cuts. Mr. Wyeth also plays some outstanding piano on 5 cuts. Robert wrote ten of the thirteen songs on the CD, and they are all gems. His singing and guitar work are beautiful throughout. The record rocks. Blues, blues rock, rock ‘n’ roll and more blues.
Tracks From “Rockin’ The Rails” – 5, 7, 10, 11, & 12
George Morales – drums, and background vocals
Charlie Torres – bass, harmony and background vocals
Robert Ross – guitars, and lead vocals
Executive Producer – Lou Holtzman
Producers – Nick Prout, Robert Ross
Engineer – Nick Prout
Recorded at – East Side Sound, 98 Allen St., NYC
Photos – Karen Farber
Tracks From “Darkness… To Light” – 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, & 13
VOCALS: Robert Ross
BACKGROUND VOCALS: Robert Ross and Mark Dann
GUITARS: Robert Ross (including electric, acoustic and slide guitars)
BASS: Mark Dann
DRUMS: Howie Wyeth
PIANO: Howie Wyeth
ORGAN: Robert Ross
PRODUCERS: Mark Dann and Robert Ross
ENGINEERS: Mark Dann, Jack O’Hara
MIXED BY: Mark Dann with Robert Ross
RECORDED AT: World Studio